2020 Garden Shed
Building a garden shed. David is taking a week of vacation 8/31 through 9/4 to build the Garden Shed we've been talking about for a few years.
2020-08-25 - Tuesday - Some site prep work
2020-08-26 Wednesday - Materials delivered! More site prep work
2020-08-29 Saturday - Flooring started
2020-08-30 Sunday - Back wall framing
2020-08-31 Monday - Front wall framing and siding cut
2020-09-01 Tuesday - Siding front wall, standing front wall, siding back wall, standing back wall, framing North (side) wall, cutting lumber for South (side) wall
2020-09-02 Wednesday - All walls framed stood up fastened to floor and each other, South wall sided - prep work for decking - started second top-plates for walls
2020-09-03 Thursday - Siding on North side, work on the porch decking (off camera), work on the porch post mounting, work on the porch East header
2020-09-04 Friday - Deck work, rafter work, porch header work
2020-09-05 Saturday - Porch framing
2020-09-06 Sunday - wall headers, porch beam, rafters
2020-09-07 Labor Day Monday - rafters
2020-09-08 Tuesday - rafters
2020-09-10 Thursday - South roof overhang
2020-09-12 Saturday - Rafters and blocking (including overhangs) pretty much done
2020-09-13 Sunday - Subfascia installed, North and South wall supports extended up to roof, fascia started
2020-09-14 Monday - Fascia and roof sheathing
2020-09-16 Wednesday - Roof sheathing
2020-09-20 Sunday - Tarpaper and started shingles on the roof
2020-09-21 Monday - Roof finished!
2020-09-27 Sunday (and Saturday) - Window sills and door
2020-10-04 Sunday - Windows and painting
2020-11 - Got a bit more done in November
David did the plans...