2020-09-05 Saturday

More problems with time-lapses either stopping for unknown reasons, or locking up my phone and not working at all... so not many got recorded.

Today disappeared into getting the porch framing done... still need to add some cross-bracing in the porch, but it's mostly in place.

Morning time lapse - 1m (30m real time)

  • P is working on framing for a door

  • D is getting the posts attached to the East porch header

Afternoon time lapse - 4m 44s ( 3h 7m real time)

  • D is working on the posts for the West header on the porch

  • P is starting to create blocking pieces for the rafters (tomorrow?)

  • D and P do some work on the table saw off-camera

  • D and P mount the West porch header

  • H and A show up when they're hungry