2020-09-20 Sunday

Yesterday (Saturday) was a rainy day, so we tarped the shed and took a day off from working on it.

Today is roofing day! I tried out a new timelapse approach using an old laptop and a webcam and had a few hiccups so the first timelapses of the day didn't work out, but finally ironed everything out and got a good timelapse at the end of the day.

Here's how things looked at the start of the day after getting the tarp off... ready for roofing!

In the morning, H and D got the tar paper on the roof together, then H and A headed off to their Sunday afternoon D&D, so D worked on trimming the tar paper and putting on the drip edging on the sides of the roof himself.

P worked to get the siding for the North "triangle" cut.

I end up with YouTube videos with this new methodology... 3m 6s (just over 4h real time)

  • You get a hit of P working on the North triangle (but the work is mostly out of view)

  • D checks possible ways to start putting shingles on

  • D & P kibitz on the north triangle a bit more

  • D decides to just get on the roof to put the shingles on and puts on the "starter row" while P is nailing in the siding on the North triangle

  • P starts some planning for the siding of the South triangle

  • D shows P how to install asphalt shingles and we're off! D spends time trimming new pieces and bringing shingles. We end up with 3 (of 6) bundles of shingles installed and just emptied the first box of nails.

  • Oh - and the dimming/darkening at the end isn't a special effect - it's getting dark (and the webcam isn't as good as my phone camera at handling low-light situations.)