2020-09-02 Wednesday

I don't think I mentioned that I realized at some point that my materials spreadsheet had an error in the totaling for 2x6x10s so it said I needed 7 when I had put in that I needed 22... sigh... so when I went to the lumber yard yesterday I planned to buy six 2x6x10s, but they only had about 4 crappy 2x6x10s for sale... so I bought six 2x4x8s planning to cut them down to 2x4x6s and I thought I would use the extra for window pieces - but I didn't realize that 2x8s are 1.5 by 7.25 instead of 7.5 - what's up with that? You'll see me cutting 2x8s down to 2x6x this morning...

Morning time-lapse 3m 57s (almost 2 hours real time)

  • David sets up 2x8's to trim down to 2x6s

  • D and H raise the North wall and clamp it in place

  • D trims 2x8s down to 2x6s while H assembles the South wall

  • D and H raise and clamp the South wall

  • D and H clamp the North and South walls to the front wall, adjust all the walls and tack them in place

  • Our neighbors come over to see how it's going

  • H disassembles the braces while D attaches the wall frames to the floor frame

Something is stopping my time lapses - possibly when text messages come in? I think I'll try putting my phone in airplane mode before starting time-lapses tomorrow. Here's what got accomplished this afternoon...

  • Siding on South wall

  • Finish securing walls to floor

  • Second top-plate on South wall

  • Siding for North wall cut, including notches to go over extension of floor frame to the porch

  • Decking for porch cut down to size (in pictures, the deck boards are just placed on the porch to get an idea what it will look like)

  • Second top-plate for North wall cut, but back wall and North wall don't meet - trying to decide how to handle that.