2020-09-03 Thursday
Morning time lapse 3m 53s (almost 2 hours real time)
D working on second top-plate for North wall
D, A, H getting siding on North wall
A & H drive lots of nails in North wall siding while D works on second top-plate for North wall
D starts working on post mounts for the porch
H puts preservative on non-treated porch joists
Afternoon time lapse 5m 13s (2h 37m real time)
Sigh - I goofed and zoomed in the image so can't see much of what's going on
You see A putting primer paint on all the nail heads - you don't see H working on figuring out the decking material for the porch
D is working on the header for the East side of the porch (which will be "fancy")
P comes and does some of the routing on the East porch header
KB comes over to see the progress
Evening time lapse 6m 27s (3h 15m real time)
D is working on the mounting for the porch posts
D goes off and searches for some sanding disks he bought at Home Depot a week ago and can't find them (sigh!)
A sands the porch East header piece, D continues working on post mounting
H puts preservative on the untreated wood of the post mounting
D works on the porch East header - cuts the 4x6 - off camera creates 1/2" strips to go between the 2x10 piece and the 2x6 piece
D glues and screws the East porch header, which is a sandwich of a 2x10, some 1/2" strips and a 2x6... D came up with the idea of using a header with some holes in it for hanging things (hanging flower pots?) like we put in our Picnic Shelter... there will be pictures eventually
The camera's low-light ability hides the fact that it's getting dark at the end of the video!